Prestigious journal publishes maritime attorney Carlos F. Llinás' law review.

The January 2016 issue of The Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, published Maritime Attorney Carlos F. Llinás' law review on flags of convenience. The article is titled "Pretending to be Liberian and Panamanian; Flags of Convenience and The Weakening of the Nation State of the High Seas." It provides an in-depth analysis of the practice of American and European shipowners to use flags of convenience, and their impact on international shipping, pollution, and seafarer working conditions. To read Mr. Llinás' article, click here.    

Founded in 1969, the Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce is a scholarly publication devoted to all aspects of admiralty and maritime law, including the law of the sea. During its existence, the Journal has presented the work of more than 750 individuals and has been cited by courts and arbitrators over 420 times. The Supreme Court of the United States, for example, has cited the Journal in the most important maritime decisions of the last 30 years.